Will I be able to have one-on-one time with Jesus in Heaven?
Will I recognize my family in Heaven?
What if God gets tired of me in Heaven - can I get kicked out?
Are there animals in Heaven?
Do babies go to Heaven?
Over the years I have been asked these types of questions - and many more! - as people search for answers about the life beyond.
Is Heaven only for Christians?
How old will I be in Heaven?
What exactly does Jesus do in Heaven?
What does it mean when I read about the "New Earth"?
The questions keep coming. The Bible has answers.
This is the next step in my ministry at Xulon International Bible Institute: to promote Biblical literacy , especially in the area of the study of God's Kingdom. Through the past months the "Heaven Tour" weekday online classes have reached viewers and followers from Scotland, South Africa, Canada, Australia, and every state in the USA!
Non-Believers are asking for better understanding. Christians are searching for Bible references. I am committed to bringing a clear presentation of God's Kingdom as He has presented it in the Scriptures. I do not reflect on Near Death Experiences (NDEs), nor do I give my opinion on what I imagine Heaven will be like. The Bible gives us enough information for intense and responsible study; I'd like to follow the Scriptures in the proper context.
Please follow me in the Heaven Tour ministry as I research and teach, both online and in person. I would love to be able to share these Biblical truths with you.

"I am happily committed to a ministry of presenting the glory of God Himself by showing the wonderful Biblical passages that detail His promises to the Believer of the many wonders of eternal life with Him." - Brad Zockoll
Brad's latest books What is Heaven All About and Heaven: The Adventure Begins are part of of a seven-book series on the subject of God's Kingdom, the eternal home of the Believer. Included in the books are some of the most-asked questions during Brad's YouTube and TikTok live classes, and the back part of the books include a workbook section. What is Heaven All About and Heaven: The Adventure Begins are great to give as a gift to someone who wants to know more about the Bible passages about eternity, whether they're a Christian or not. Both instruction and comfort can be found in the "Heaven is Home" series. Order on Amazon today!

Our daily TikTok online workshops have regular viewers from Australia to South Africa to Canada ... all around the world!
Join us each weekday for LIVE classes at 8:30 a.m. EST​
New videos are posted every day!
Find them on TikTok at @drzockoll

"Questions About Heaven" is a Bible video/podcast series on the subject of Heaven, including a verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Our podcasts can be found on online through Spotify, Apple iTunes, Buzzsprout, and iHeart Radio. Listen and learn as you travel or exercise. Brad Zockoll takes you through the Bible and answers your questions about the Kingdom of God both in this life and in the ages beyond!

"Xulon Questions About Heaven."
"Xulon International
Bible Institute"